The Perfect Tenant Buyer Program

Our goal to is ensure the process of selling and buying a home is smooth and easy.  We strive to achieve a win-win-win situation in all our lease option purchases.

What we do is purchase nice homes by guaranteeing a long-term lease with an option to purchase on an agreed upon date and at an agreed upon price. This program allows us to pay the seller much closer to his or her asking price while providing him/her with solutions for your immediate and future financial needs. Under this program, Easy Affordable Housing, LLC would be responsible for all of the property’s maintenance and management while you would still get all of the benefits of property ownership (including mortgage tax deductions). We select families who are looking to own a nice home but unfortunately, they lack the ability to do so without a little help. The families we work with are unable to purchase a home because they either have no credit, some bumps in their credit, or they lack the 20% down payment that most conventional lenders require for them to buy a home. What we do is carefully screen these families to make sure they are potential owners and not renters. It is our experience that owners take pride in their home and maintain it at much higher standards than renters, and we are sure that you would agree. The reason why this program has been so successful for us is because it creates a win-win-win solution!



The seller of the house wins by receiving all of the assurance of knowing that while the house is being sold, all of the expenses are taken care of, the house is maintained, and you are receiving all of the tax benefits associated with being a landlord, with none of the management responsibilities.

The tenant/buyer wins by getting to own a home in a shorter amount of time than it would take them if they were trying to buy conventionally, as well as being able to immediately occupy their new home, while qualifying for a loan. We give our tenant/buyers immediate credit tips to assist in the loan qualification process.

We win by profiting from the sale of the home, as well as gaining two more satisfied customers.  The reason that we are in business, of course, is to make a profit, as well as to use our expertise in real estate transactions to assist homebuyers and sellers in making the sale or purchase of their home an easy, stress-free one.